Grammatical "false friends" are words which are spelled the same or are very similar in two languages but have different meanings.
This post refers to my related Instagram posts were various false friends are listed.
Below you will also find the correct German translations for the English false friend.
This constitutes a selection only. There are many more.
The frist line is German / English
The second line is English / German
bekommen = to get
become = werden
die List = the ploy
the list = die Liste
bald = soon
bald = klatzköpfig
also = so (as in: "So ... let's start!")
also = auch
German / English:
so = like that (as in "Hier machen wir das so" = "Here we do it like that")
so = this + adjective (as in: "the fish was thiiis big" "der Fisch war soooo groß"); occasionally in English also "so": "The film was so bad that I had to leave."
English / German:
so = also ...
sympatisch = pleasant
sympathetic = mitfühlend
das Bad = the bathroom
bad = schlecht, böse
blenden = to blind (as in being blinded by a bright light; "die Sonne blendet mich")
to blend = vermischen
der Brand = the fire (arson or other large unintentional fire; not one in an open fire place, camping and such)
the brand = die Marke
der Brief = the letter
the brief = der Auftrag, das Mandat, die Instruktionen
brief / briefly = kurz (time)
the briefs = die Unterhosen
das Gift = the poison
the gift = das Geschenk
dezent = subtle
decent = anständig